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Publisher (Articles Catalog):
- Ukrainian Cossacks and Zaporozhian Sich (1550-1775)
- "Ukraine" - "Rus' " - "Russia". The Terminology Question
- National Emblem of Ukraine
- Ostroh Academy, 1576. The First University in Eastern Europe
- Khortytsia. Zaporozhian Cossacks
File Catalog:
- Vitoslavskies-Lvovs' Palace
- Countess Maria Shcherbatova Palace
- The Grokholskies-Mozhaiskies Estate
- Hermann Goering Headquarters (Göring's Feldkommandostelle "Steinbruch"), 1942
- The Wooden Church of Saint Nicholas (1746)
- Shargorod: Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim Sights. Historical and Cultural Centre of Spirituality and Harmony
- Count Potocki Palace in Tulchyn - an Architectural Monument of the 18th Century
- Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky in Brayiliv
- Doctor Nicholas (Nikolay) Pirogov National Estate Museum
- Adolf Hitler's "Wehrwolf" Headquarters, 1942-1944 (Führerhauptquartier Wehrwolf)
- Memorial Museums of Vinnytsya Region
- Historic and Ethnographic Monuments of Vinnytsya Region
- Natural Monuments of Vinnytsya Region
- Sacred Places of Vinnytsya Region
- The Saint Cutting Off Rock Monastery, the 11th Century